Author: Maria Alfano-Huggins Where did I put my glasses? Sound familiar? The whole while they're sitting on the top of your head:-) Or, those darn keys are never where you left them the night before. Is forgetting things after 50 a sign of something horrible or just a normal part of ...
5 Ways to Inspire Yourself During a Midlife Crisis
Author: Mary Shannon Reviewed By: Maria Alfano-Huggins So what is a midlife crisis anyways and why do you need to inspire yourself? There are several stages of a midlife crisis that you may not even recognize as being one. Denial - this can't be happening to I really getting ...
Are You Too Old to Return to School Post Retirement
Author: Mary Shannon Reviewed by: Maria Alfano-Huggins Retirement is a thrilling time of life. After a lifetime of work, you finally have the freedom to do whatever you want. But that doesn’t mean you should be content to sit around and do nothing! Going back to school post retirement can ...
24 Companies That Will Pay For Your Inventive Ideas
Author: Maria Alfano-Huggins You lived a long life and you watched inventions come and go, yet you have never seen that one thing that has been in the back of your mind for many years come to life. Now is the time to get the idea out of the recesses of your brain and ...
The Top 10 Things To Do Before Retiring To Live a Full Life
Autor: Maria Alfano-Huggins You lived a full life and have had plenty of working years under your belt. Now you're ready to call it a day! Consider these top 10 things to do before retiring. Retirement is a big change that requires much planning. It's not something you can take ...
Top 3 Smartest Ways to Recession-Proof Your Retirement
Author: Maria Alfano You worked hard to get to this point in your life. And you have probably ridden a recession wave or two in your time. But, your finances don't have to join the roller coaster ride. Take advantage of some of these super-smart and simple ways to recession-proof retirement ...