Author: Maria Alfano
The day I turned 50 I thought my world was going to come crashing down around me. How wrong I was!
With a son in his thirties and a daughter fast approaching her 3rd decade, it was hard for me to continue my little charade of telling everyone I was 29.5 years old and holding! I was born on the tail of the Baby Boomer generation putting me in my 50s. I must say I am happy to be here. And, if I don’t mind saying so myself, I look damn good for my age…
I decided to write this blog because most of what I found on the web was somewhat morbid and kinda boring. I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of sparks left, too many skips left in my step; too much joy to share, and a ton of ideas to accomplish more in my 50 years and beyond. I am not ready to give up and there is way more to life than preparing for my expiration date.
I read about a mayor in one of Canada’s major cities who worked until she turned 94 years old. At the age of 100, she runs a not-for-profit organization. Hazel McCallion is an inspiration and I want to be just like her when I grow up. Well – almost. I don’t want to be working at 100 but I do want to be an inspiration to others approaching or in their 50’s.
I am 50+ and am not ready to give up, after all, 50 is the new 40! Join me to bring more fun, excitement, and life to your own Silver Diaries journey to unlocking your midlife potential…
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