Author: Maria Alfano
World harmony is a difficult topic to write about. So many people have the wrong idea and reach the wrong conclusion about others simply because of the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, or who they love. So, I ask, why should any of that matter? You see, I grew up in a time when Italians were very much disliked by those around us. I understand what hatred looks like when it is directed at you by another individual.
My son-in-law very gently reminded me that no one really knew I am Italian when I walked down the street, but he and my husband are easily identifiable by their appearance. That was a rude awakening to me. I had never quite heard it put nor had I looked at it quite that way before.
As young children, my parents instilled in my sisters and me that we love everyone. We were not permitted to use derogatory words about anyone. If we went so far as to call someone stupid, we were disciplined for that. They believed that everyone was perfect in their own way. This is a belief so strong that I raised my own children this way also.
In this post, I hope to open your eyes and your hearts to the possibility that everyone has the right to be loved and treated fairly. My hope is that you will find a way to make small changes to leave the world a better place than you found it. And. lastly, my wish is that we can one day irradicate hatred and bring world harmony, peace, and love to everyone.
I Wish World Harmony, Peace, And Love For Everyone
I recall very vividly the day when my 4-year-old daughter told me that my friend at the time did not match me. He was a man of color. At that very moment, I knew she saw the outer differences. I needed to find a way to show her that the inner beauty of this man was all that mattered. I asked her what color her heart is. She replied, “Red, Mommy.” Then I asked her what color she thought his heart is. Again she replied, “Red, Mommy!” I heard this delightful little squeal coming from that 4-year-old little angel, “You do match, Mommy!”
Today I can learn a few things from my beautiful angel. This amazing young woman has taught me so much that I aspire to be more like her every day. Her heart is pure and loving. As much as I have taught her to be a good human being, I am proud of the level to which she has taken her kindness and the amazing person she has become. Her spirit and love go far beyond my realm of knowledge. For that, I am proud, thankful, and blessed.
The Bully
Anti-bullying and anti-shaming are all the rage these days and rightfully so. We get angry when we see one child be hurtful in any way to another. Someone gets pushed, teased, or gets ignored on the playground. That child no longer feels safe. They have no one to play with and they eat their lunch by themselves. That is painful to watch. And, I bet that you are angry right now. How could any child do this to another?
Not a parent and really have no sympathy for these children? Ok, to all my pet lovers, how do you feel when you hear stories of animal abuse? Does that make your heart heavy? Are you saddened by the cruelty of these defenseless creatures? Do you cringe with disgust that someone could actually be so hateful?
Why are we more concerned about the well-being of an animal than we are of people? Don’t get me wrong, I love animals too. I have been a pet mom to cats, dogs, and goldfish over the years. Still, I beg the question of why we devalue a human life so much. Should anyone have the right to bully another person? That teacher that calls the police on an unruly child, or that neighbor that dials 911 because the person next door parked on the wrong side of the street, or that young man who gets killed for jogging down the street where he lives, these are severe cases of bullying that are truly racist.
Where DO they Come From
That schoolyard bully grew up to be that person who is beating their dog. They grew up to be that person who has no regard for human life. That very bully went from pushing another child to wielding guns and knives to make their point their point as an adult. They don’t have any regard for the person standing next to them. Doctor, lawyer, minister, garbage man, none of that matters to the bully. He is right and you are wrong. God help the person who crosses his path.
Bullying is a learned behavior. Your child will mimic what they see at home. They say that to copy someone is the ultimate sign of flattery. I say, that a child copying the bullies they are surrounded by is a tragedy, not flattery. It’s up to you, to all of us, to change that narrative. Take a good look in the mirror because bullying is the first step toward racism. You can be a bully at any age. This is your time to make a change to bring world harmony. Make that one change you want to see starting today.
Racism is a very strong word. One that not many people understand. Hatred towards another, generalizations about an entire race of people, oppression, and preconceived notions based on color, creed, sexual preference, religion, or anything else are all forms of racism.
I recently was called out about a comment I made at the dinner table that generalized an entire population. I didn’t mean harm by it and it wasn’t intended to be hurtful. But I learned a very valuable lesson that day. No matter how innocent the comment may have been, it was not well received and I see how that was a form of racism. Your words are just as harmful as your actions.
I was reminded how Italians in the city I grew up in have a reputation of faking injuries so that can collect government subsidies. While that may have been true for a select few of the older generations, it was by far not true for all Italians. This was pointed out to me and I realized that my poor generalization was not appropriate and was an underhanded form of racism no matter how unintentional.
I watch the news, read articles, and observe those around me and I have to ask why! Why are people getting killed for the color of their skin? Does it really matter what someone’s religious beliefs are? Do they deserve to be deliberately struck and killed by a vehicle because of their faith? Who gave one race the right to claim they are superior to the other?
Our Heros
Why is it ok to worship athletes, movie stars, media personnel, or rich people who are different than you but the rest of those very same races are to be demoralized, oppressed, or worse killed for who they are? Do you see the irony and shame in this behavior? A soldier is honored for serving their country but as soon as they return to civilian life, they no longer matter. Why is it ok for Michael Jordan or Oprah Winfrey to get respect but George Floyd or Breonna Taylor get killed? Why is it ok for men to have such power that women and girls are kidnapped, molested, and killed in places like all around the world for simply wanting to learn to read or to dream of doing something with their lives? Do you see the irony and shame in this behavior?
Why is it ok for Wall Street to thrive and turn out thousands of millionaires a year and yet the Greenwood District of Oklahoma was completely obliterated? Why do people have to fear others while minding their own business in their own homes? Do you see the irony and shame in this behavior? Put yourself in their shoes for 60 seconds. How do you feel? Not so nice, right? Let’s do something together to make the world a better and safer place for everyone.
In Summary – World Harmony
We possess the power to make the world a beautiful place for everyone. It starts with each one of us. Get to know your neighbor for the person they truly are, not the picture you have conjured in your mind. Take a moment to reflect on your thoughts, your actions, and your words. Let’s work together to change the world, one person at a time.
Why can’t we go back to the late 1960s early 1970s when peace and love were all people hoped for. We could learn a lot from the hippie movement. Although the movement was born to protest the Vietnam war, they smoked marijuana and were against middle-class values, hippies promoted peace, love, and harmony for all people. We should take a page from their book and start our own movement. Banded together we can make the world a better place for everyone. Perhaps I am over-reaching but I firmly believe that things took a turn for the worst when prayer was taken out of the schools. It took us many decades to arrive at this horrible state, let’s not take decades more to bring back balance.
I ask you – what color is your heart?