Author: Maria Alfano
This is the andropause definition that could change a man’s life. Ladies, this one is not about you. It’s about that special man in your life! Be it your partner, your father, a dear uncle, cousin, or your son, this is important for them. It will also help you better understand this new person standing in front of you. He is literally turning into a stranger and you don’t know why. Now you do!
So much is documented about female menopause. The research is starting to emerge on the male version of aging known as andropause. Although not as physically life-changing as menopause is for women, recognizing the andropause symptoms will be key to the strength of the man and your relationship.
For years people have joked saying, “He is going through male menopause.” Or, they joke about a man’s midlife crisis. In all honesty, there is a very minute percentage of men that use the midlife crisis as an excuse to do silly things like buying a pet tiger or wearing skinny jeans (when they really shouldn’t…) Some men are facing a real crisis and they don’t know why
Andropause Definition – Gentlemen Is This The Real Problem
He lived through all your changes associated with menopause, your night sweats, your mood swings, even the changes in your weight. Ladies, it’s your turn to help him get through this phase of his life, even if it’s just as simple as being there for him and holding his hand.
This post will provide a clear andropause definition, help you navigate the symptoms of male menopause, and provide you with some andropause remedies.
Andropause meaning
Andropause comes from the Greek language. Andros means a male human. And pause means the ending of something. Combined, the word andropause means the end of a man’s vitality. The lack of testosterone can result in a general feeling of being unwell to a lower sex drive and decreased sexual pleasure.
Studies have shown that at least 20% of men in midlife experience male menopause and that goes to higher than 50% in men over the age of 70. Men can go through this phase of their lives for 15 -20 years. The changes you are noticing could be a direct result of andropause.
Symptoms of Male Menopause
Gentlemen, if you are feeling off, not like your usual self, please go get checked. A simple blood test and urinalysis will identify your testosterone levels. Testosterone is what gives men their machismo. Reduced levels of this male hormone will manifest themselves in the following symptoms:
-Lower sex drive and sexual pleasure (including ED)
-Loss of muscle mass
-Loss of concentration and memory
-Brain fog
-Mood swings and irritability
-Man boobs (gynecomastia)
-Poor sleeping patterns that can lead to insomnia
-Bone density loss
-Hair loss
Unlike menopause where women are hit by a freight train of changing hormone levels, for men the change is gradual and may not even be recognized as a change at first. When you combine a variation of the above symptoms creeping up over 15 or 20 years, only then do men realize that there could be something going on.
Andropause remedies
So what can you do to fix your issue? Great question. There are several ways to put the skip back in your step.
TRT – testosterone replacement therapy is medically driven. It requires regular weekly or biweekly visits to your doctor for hormone injections. If not covered by your medical health plan, these can be quite costly.
Vitamins and minerals – there are some vitamins and minerals that when taken daily will help increase the production of testosterone in men. These include vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium.
Get zinc from veggies like mushrooms, broccoli, and spinach, or from red meat. Your daily dose of vitamin D can come from the sun or from fortified OJ and milk. If you’re looking for a snack rich in magnesium try pumpkin seed or almonds.
Healthy fats – a diet rich in healthy natural fats also help to boost testosterone levels in men. Good rich fats can be found in avocados, fatty fish like salmon and sardines, coconut oil, olives, and millet Legumes are also vital to the production of the essential male hormone.
Regular exercise – is not only important to maintain muscles and body weight, but it also encourages the production of testosterone.
Avoid excess sugar, processed foods, and foods high in man-made fats. These not only slow down your testosterone production, but they also lead to other health problems like diabetes, weight gain, cardiovascular disease and so much more. I know what you’re thinking, that donut tastes so good. That deep-fried cookie from the county fair is the only reason you actually go to the fair. Trust me, you will be much happier without all the extra pounds, and health issues from all that sugar.
In Summary
So many men are suffering in silence because they either hate doctors or don’t understand the true andropause definition. There are things that can be done to reverse the effects of low testosterone. You don’t need to suffer in silence anymore. Talk to your doctor. Get the testosterone test. And, start living your life again.
We would love to hear from you. Have you or a loved one experienced andropause? Were these tips helpful? What did you/they do to help improve their hormone levels and bring them back in balance?
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