Author: Maria Alfano
Aging and menopause give women enough to worry about so let’s find some simple ways to get rid of smile lines around the mouth. This is one less thing to think about during midlife and beyond. You can age gracefully without dramatic plastic surgery or botox injections. Although, these two remain an option if you so choose. In the meantime, you can do something for yourself that is effective and cost-efficient.
To be clear, men and women of any age can experience smile lines. Sadly, it becomes more probable and evident as you age. The fountain of youth may not have been confirmed yet so give Mother Nature a little boost with these awesome beauty tips and hacks.
So what causes you to have smile lines in the first place? As we age, our skin loses its elasticity partly from the lower estrogen levels and partly due to the loss of collagen. As well, other health concerns can cause smile lines. For example, poor dental health and tooth decay mean there is nothing inside the mouth to support the cheeks and skin. Smoking can cause the skin around the mouth to have damaged cells thus producing deep crevices known as smile lines. Anyone who has gained and lost large amounts of weight will cause loose skin around the mouth thus the smile lines appear. Don’t forget to keep hydrated because lack of moisture in the skin will also give you smile lines.
This post is all about the ways to get rid of smile lines around the mouth in both economical and not-so-budget-friendly ways.
How To Get Rid Of Smile Lines Around The Mouth
Smile lines are an indication of sheer joy because they only appear when one is smiling from excitement or pleasure. However, for some women, this is a sign of aging and it makes them a little uncomfortable.
Economical Solutions
Hydration – it goes without saying that staying hydrated is essential at any age but especially as you start to mature. Your skin needs the boost that proper fluid intake provides. Coffee and tea drinkers can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that drinking a cup counts as part of your daily water consumption. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have determined that men should be drinking at least 15.5 cups of water per day whereas for women it’s 11.5 cups of water.
Water is what gives skin its elasticity and the ability to bounce back. It is also what flushes out any toxins that can cause blemishes. Your smile lines will look shallower when there is plenty of fluid filling those cells.
Serums– non-medicinal creams and serums found at the local beauty counter are an excellent solution for those deep crevices around your lips. These will take some patience because no matter what the advertisements say, it can take several weeks to see a noticeable difference.
Hyaluronic Acid is one of the key ingredients your skin needs to help regenerate cells and maintain moisture. It’s the added jolt those smile lines need to start to fade away. If you take good care of your skin, then cells can easily regenerate giving you a little piece of that fountain of youth.
Collagen – the latest diet trends may be onto something when they insist on having collagen be part of the daily meal plans. Collagen is a protein needed by the bones, hair, muscles, ligaments, tendons, AND skin. It is what keeps your skin from sagging and young-looking. Those smile lines won’t know what hit them after you introduce more collagen to your diet.
More Expensive Solutions
Light treatment – studies have shown and, the FDA has approved sitting under an LED light for three minutes per day can increase the natural production of collagen within the body. The convenience of doing this in your own home is great. The quality of the LED fixture will be important to the speed at which collagen is produced.
Laser treatment – using a laser to remove the top layer of skin and expose the inner layers of new skin. The purpose is to remove a layer of the wrinkles making them less defined. There is some swelling after the procedure and the cost can be prohibitive at around $2,000.
Botox – is a quick way to get rid of smile lines. The injections instantly fill in the wrinkles and lift the skin so it appears plumper and youthful. There is very little downtime with botox and you can get back to normal in 24 hours. Botox will block the nerves from sending signals to muscles and thus relaxes the facial muscles making wrinkles disappear. One treatment costs around $300 and lasts approximately 3 months.
Fillers – if you’re too impatient and want to see results right away, then get hyaluronic acid injections. Injected right into the affected area, these fillers will change the appears of smile lines immediately. The good news is the injections can be reversed if you absolutely hate the look and they usually last about 6-12 months. The bad news is they can, in some people, cause headaches and allergic reactions. Each treatment will cost $1,000.
Plastic surgery – the more permanent of the solutions is also the most expensive at approximately $8,000. Having plastic surgery to get rid of smile lines seems a little extreme. And, the recovery time for this is the longest. Expect to be out of commission for at least 3 months.
In Summary
While smile lines are a symbol of joy and pleasure when you look at someone’s face, for some it means their youth is slipping through their fingers. There are some very simple ways to get rid of smile lines around your mouth and some pretty expensive ones. Your tolerance for the budget and the amount of time it takes for these solutions to work will determine which is best for you.
We would love to hear from you. What is your favorite solution? Have you tried any of these? How did they work for you?
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