Author: Maria Alfano
The perfect Christmas tree was a special part of the holidays when I was growing up. I did my best to make it a perfect Christmas tradition for my children too. Whether it was a freshly cut tree or an artificial tree, having a tree was significant in our home,
Traditions are born from history, culture, repetition, and fond memories. Picking the right tree should be a part of those traditions. So many choices and so many decisions to be made in order to pick the one that is just right for you. Many folks go to their old habits without giving a second thought to what kind of tree is best for their family, home, and situation. Perhaps you moved and old faithful just won’t do anymore. Or, perhaps you simply want to change things up.
Before the lights are stung, the popcorn is hung, and the decorations are put in just the right spots, you need to find that perfect Christmas tree. No matter how many times you have done this, the task can be daunting. You buy a new tree each year from the local Christmas tree vendor. Or, you cut one down from the tree farm. What if your artificial tree needs replacing? The fact remains, that choosing the right Christmas tree can be confusing and difficult if you don’t know what to look for.
How To Choose The Perfect Christmas Tree This Year
Where do you start your journey to finding the best tree for your home, family, and decor style? The good news is you have come to the right place. This post will help you identify the best choices for your needs. We will explore real trees vs artificial trees and provide you some Christmas ornament ideas to suit your preference.
Real Christmas Trees
Nothing says Christmas quite like the scent of cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and fresh-cut pine. Let’s determine which one is right for you, be it a fir tree, a cedar tree or a pine tree, Taking good care of the real tree will be paramount to the whole experience. You will need to cut off a piece of the trunk at the base (1 or 2 inches) when you get it home so the tree can absorb enough water to stay alive for the 2-3 weeks while it lives in your house with you. Leave it in a large bucket of warm water until you are ready to use it. You see, trees can become dehydrated quickly.
If you are picking one from the tree lot, chances are this baby is thirsty. Give it the love it deserves and it will perform exceptionally well for you. Remember to keep watering it often. Don’t let the reservoir go try or you will stress out your tree and it will lose its needles much faster. Try to avoid direct heat. Place it far enough away from any heat registers so the water doesn’t evaporate as quickly.
Cedar Christmas Trees
There are so many varieties of cedar trees. They are not the traditional style tree but they are beautiful nonetheless. All cedar trees have one thing in common. They do not have needles but rather flat, leaf-like sprays of greenery.
Deodar Cedar – This tree grows very well in hotter climates and can be found in the southern US states. This tree can grow as high as 200′ tall. Its swooping branches give a soft and graceful triangular shape to the tree. It looks like it came out of a Charles Dickens novel. This regal tree would adorn a cathedral ceiling entryway with elegance. To capture the full effect of its true beauty, Deodar needs to stand tall.
White Cedar – known for its pyramid shape, shiny green foliage, and, deep rich fragrance. The northern white cedar requires lots of water to keep from drying out while acting as your perfect Christmas tree this holiday season. These trees are native to the northern USA and Canada. While the Northern White Cedar is a giant in its own right growing up to 80 feet, the Eastern White Cedar is its shorter cousin with a more cone-shaped body. The eastern white looks like and makes the perfect traditional Christmas tree. It will adorn the family or living room as though it is truly a member of the family.
Fir And Pine Trees
Growing up fir meant pine to me. Were you under the same impression? It wasn’t till I started buying my own Christmas tree that I realized they are two different types of trees. Fir trees have fat and flat needles with pine cones that stand up. Pine trees have needles that grow in bunches of up to 5 needles that are very long.
Noble Fir – this tree is the most popular of freshly cut trees sold during the holidays each year. It is beautifully symmetric and its strong branches will support even the most delicate Christmas ornaments. With branches that point towards the sky, you will have plenty of room to display the family heirlooms on this tree. It is suited for any home and any room within it.
Fraser Fir – this slim tree is perfect for small spaces. It has a pretty scent and long-lasting needles – yay – little clean-up with this tree.
Balsam Fir – is a tall slender tree. Like the Fraser fir, this tree is great for tight spaces. But, with its height, it can easily adorn a tall entryway or stand beside the fireplace. The light fragrance fills the room. Its strong needles won’t easily fall off giving your ornaments a sturdy home.
Scotch Pine – also known as Scots pine is a favorite of many holiday homes. It has that fresh and sweet pine fragrance. The needles which can grow up to 3″ long won’t drop off even if they are dried out. I love the fact that there is little clean-up at the end of the season. It is a sturdy tree that needs a little elbow room. The Scotch pine will fill a large room with love, lights, and joy during the holidays. Don’t worry about the ornaments. They are in good hands (or should I say branches) with this tree.
White Pine– The best part of these trees is they produce little to no fragrance and are great for anyone with sensitivities to certain scents. Be careful though as this tree may not be able to support heavy ornaments. This tree is better suited for unbreakable baubles.
Artificial Trees
There are so many good and not so good points of having an artificial tree. Let’s get the not-so-good out of the way first.
Not So Good – eventual disposal of the tree is not good for the environment. They can cost a small fortune to buy. There is no scent. It can look fake. You need to have someplace to store it every year.
Good – these trees last a very long time. Owning one of these will save a tree every year for upwards of 10 years. Imagine how many trees would be saved if half the population bought one of these! Many of these trees come prelit so have the trouble of decorating is solved for you. There is no fragrance which is awesome for folks with scent sensitivities. The shape is perfect every time. They come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes to suit any space or decor.
The trends for tree decorating come and go but one this is constant, lights and ornaments always adorn a tree.
Handblown glass ornaments give a more contemporary look to your tree. These tend to be heavier and require a sturdy branch to hang from.
Handmade ornaments give the feel of family, tradition, and comfort. They are fairly light and can hang freely from any tree along with stringed popcorn. This could easily become a family tradition to make new ornaments to the tree each year. In our home, we added 3 new baubles every year – one for each of us!
Color Themes – the most popular Christmas colors are red and gold. This gives a sense of tradition. Don’t shy away from using other color combinations or a single color on your tree. A monochromatic tree doesn’t mean boring. It means using complimenting shades of the same color to add beauty and variety to the tree. Any of these styles are just as beautiful.
In Summary
Choosing the perfect Christmas tree is quite the art form. There are so many things to consider from allergies to favorite scents, from tree shape to room size, and from branch sturdiness to needle life. One thing is certain, you have many options for creating the best ambiance for this holiday season. So what’s your favorite tree and decorating style. What is your preferred tree? Fake or real? Traditional or contemporary? How do you decorate for the holidays?
We would love to see pictures of your perfect Christmas tree.
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